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7 Levels of Consciousness

This model reflects individual or collective levels of awareness and evolution opportunities. The model enhances the famous Maslow pyramid and creates a much more coherent and balanced picture of what moves people and organisations. It is a comprehensive way to depict the culture of an organisation.

         move mouse over each level to get a short explanation

7 Levels of Consciousness
7 Levels of Consciousness
7 Levels of Consciousness

It is believed that people move up to "higher" levels of consciousness once basic needs are covered. But in reality we reside at different levels simultaneously. Each person, each company and even country has its own distribution of basic values. The model does not have "good" or bad" values, but distinguishes between positive and potentially limiting values (example: being organised vs. bureaucracy). A simple diagnosis enables us to pitch the levels and check the coherence of the deeper motivations of a person or a group. A professional survey based on this model allows us to:

  • Understand, compare and communicate the fundamental values and culture of an organisation
  • Sketch individual or collective value distribution (strengths and limitations)
  • Detect improvement potential
  • Legitimate a cultural change process within an organisation
  • Support a personal coaching scheme

Example of a manager in need for a new challenge or a new company:

Each red dot represents a basic value. The grey dots stand for potentially limiting values.

The vicious circle of corporate culture:

The vicious circle of corporate culture

Since the organisation is unable to neither attract nor keep people with a higher level of awareness, it always feeds back on its current level of consciousness. It is trapped in its own culture. The key to break through this vicious circle is on level 4: the need for change.-> Key points to transform an Organisation's culture